The proper operation of the protective relays is critical in the reliability and safety of power systems, protecting other devices from damage and helping to the system security. Accordingly, the testing of relays is required during the installation and commissioning process, and as part of the maintenance programs throughout its service life.
Relays testing may range from a simple check of some points of the relay characteristic to a complete verification of the protection scheme logic, even including the response to transient waveforms, harmonics, etc.
Since the manufacturing of secondary injection equipment for testing protective relays has been a main activity of SMC, we are able to offer different comprehensive solutions with all the required characteristics and functions needed to ensure the proper operation of relays, in a manual or automatic testing mode; solutions which are designed for maximum efficiency, flexibility and simplicity, with the required accuracy and performance to test any kind and type of relays in all situations.

The ease of use and the testing speed are always considered in the SMC equipment, for adapting the relays testing to the user and the application. The test equipment should also deal with some practical questions required in the different situations that the user may face for the proper testing of protective relays, which might sometimes require an easy and simple human interface with quick and full manual control and other times, when required, testing the relays in automatic way.
Our experience obtained during the past 30 years has enabled us to have a complete range of equipment with different philosophies for the various applications and customers, from the simplest and autonomous sets to fully automated, for quickly performing any type of relay testing.
Universal secondary injection test set for testing all kind of protective relays and protection schemes; the MENTOR 12 incorporates the latest designs and concepts for protective relay testing, based on leading edge technology. This revolutionary product, the most modern equipment of its class, fulfills the requirements of the transmission departments and the commissioning of new installations; the unique which is PC independent, with easy and intuitive touch-screen, modular concept up to 12 channels, advanced built-in test tools, independent amplifiers and lower maintenance. The MENTOR is perfectly suited for secondary injection tests, with a big sized screen that allows continuous graphic and visual monitoring of the test process, and the quickest and most complete manual control. The MENTOR integrates many useful functions for the proper testing of protective relays without the need of external PC, such as State Sequencer, Fault, Ramping, Pulse Ramps, Binary Search, COMTRADE playback, and on screen direct regulation of complex magnitudes (impedance, power, symmetrical components, homopolar voltage, etc).
The modularity of the Mentor allows multiple configurations, from the classic 3V3I (3 Voltages- 3 Currents – with 6 currents available), 4V3I, 4V6I, etc, up to the maximum of 6V6I (two 3-phase systems in one unit, 6 Voltages – 6/12 Currents) with plug-and-play amplifiers modules which can upgrade the system at any time when required for some specific types of relays or schemes, and are also interchangeable between units.
For other products that are also related to relay testing, please also check the following product categories: Electrical Measurement Equipment, Monitoring, Testing Accessories and Testing Software.
All equipment comes along with a full range of accessories for every need. As usual with SMC test equipment, simplicity and ease-of-use are common to all secondary injection solutions for testing protective relay.
The Mentor 12 is the most advanced three-phase relay test set available for type and field testing of electromechanical and digital protections of any kind, in traditional or IEC-61850 based substations.
The Mentor 12 is the most advanced three-phase relay test set available for type and field testing of electromechanical and digital protections of any kind, in traditional or IEC-61850 based substations.
The MENTOR 12 incorporates the latest designs and concepts in test equipment, based on leading edge technology. This revolutionary product, the most modern equipment of its class, fulfills the requirements of the transmission departments and for the commissioning of new installations. Unlike any other test equipment, both in power and features, the MENTOR 12 can have up to two, three phase systems in one unit, with all logical inputs and outputs required when testing protection relays. This equipment continues the tradition of SMC in designing the most complete equipment with sufficient, and reversible outputs, along with independent output channels. The ability to upgrade the equipment with Plug and Play additions makes the MENTOR 12 the most advanced equipment on the market.